Friends calls me Gapu (Who talks a lot) but not talkative. Love to frame everything to satiate my photography appetite. Engineer, but playing with words to rediscover myself. Driven by technology but gluing into my Culture. Promoting Food, Tourism and Culture of Odisha. Blogging but not a writer. A dune of time waiting for life.
"No cage of conviction, soaring high in the sky of imagination. Sometimes into oblivion."
I'm the founder of Online Odia Magazine Shubhapallaba which is publishing quterly since January 2018 and now exapanded to English, Bangla and Sanskrit.
In 2019, in the photographic competition on Wikimedia Commons, I got the 3rd position in Indian and 6th position in World.
Since July 2017 I'm writing everyday contineously on Odia Wikipedia and continueing. I'm the 3rd person in the world to complete 2 wikiyears.
I'm the founder of My Photography, a photography club where we share photographs with stories as well as blogs from diffrent places.
In 2017, after the 1st edition of Shubhapallaba, we had started recording the published articles and upload them on YouTube.
Suspendisse convallis sem eu ligula porta gravida. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, duis omis unde elit.
I'm writing the blogs on my phogoraphy website, where I'm collecting different photographs and writing for those photographs.
At: Nilok, Po: Begana,
Via: Bonth, Dist: Bhadrak,
Odisha, Pin: 756114,
+91 7008899653
+91 9853504944